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The Golden Rule: Safe Strategies of Sage Investors 黄金投资:财富保险的最佳策略








2020-4-15 02:37:57
【资料名称】:The Golden Rule Safe Strategies of Sage Investors    

  With today's increasing economic uncertainties a strong investment strategy is to put a portion of your net worth in gold. However given investors' overall lack of knowledge about gold as an investment as wealth insurance or as a store of value many are hesitant to enter this arena.
  That's why Jim Gibbons—who has studied the role of gold in the world economy for over thirty years—has created The Golden Rule. Comprised of contributed chapters from many leading experts in this field The Golden Rule answers many essential questions including: How do you purchase gold and in what form? Why gold now? When should you buy? And most importantly from whom?
  Throughout the book Gibbons and the extraordinary group of experts he has assembled put gold in perspective and show you why it belongs in every investor's portfolio. Page by page this reliable resource provides practical gold investment insights from some of the best minds in the business including seasoned Wall Street prognosticator Peter Schiff William Bonner and Addison Wiggin of Agora Financial James Turk of GoldMoney.com Congressman Ron Paul Rick Rule of Global Resource Investments Ltd. Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management and many others.
  Everything the independent investor needs to know to effectively invest in goldWith today's increasing economic uncertainties, a strong investment strategy is to put a portion of your net worth in gold. However, given investors' overall lack of knowledge about gold as an investment, as wealth insurance, or as a store of value, many are hesitant to enter this arena.
  That's why Jim Gibbons has created The Golden Rule. This book answers many questions, including: How do you purchase gold and in what form? Why gold now? When should you buy? And, most importantly, from whom? Throughout the book, Gibbons puts gold in perspective and shows you why it belongs in every investor's portfolio.
  Provides practical gold investment insights from New York Times bestsellers Peter Schiff, William Bonner, Doug Casey, Addison Wiggin, and James Turk as well as from leading experts in this field including: Congressman Ron Paul, Rick Rule, Adrian Day, and many othersDemystifies gold by putting it in the context of twenty-first century economic realitiesHighlights a variety of ways to invest in gold-from mining stocks to buying gold coins and bullionWith the financial markets more erratic than ever, gold appeals to investors looking for a safe haven for their assets. With The Golden Rule as your guide, you'll quickly learn how to make the best decisions possible with regards to this precious commodity.
  《黄金投资:财富保险的最佳策略》汇集了黄金投资领域里众多顶级专家的真知灼见,回答了人们关心的诸多基本问题,包括:你如何购买黄金? 以何种形式购买?为什么是现在购买?为什么应该购买?你从哪里购买?以及:在21世纪经济现实的大背景下,对黄金进行全面分析从矿业股到金币及金条购买,对黄金投资的各种形式做了详细说明讨论黄金在世界经济及个人未来中所起的重要作用提供了书中涉及的重要黄金专家的联系信息还有更多。
  Jim Gibbons has been studying and learning from sage investors regarding gold's role in the world economy for over thirty years. For the last twelve years, he's also been raising geoduck clams for export to China. Prior to becoming a shellfish farmer, he built and developed his own country inn (The Heron in La Conner), wrote screenplays for ten years, and, much earlier in his life, worked for the National Bank of Alaska, IBM, Merrill Lynch, and Control Data.
  "I have been around the 'hard money camp' for almost thirty years and know almost all of the writers in this book, often for decades. I have learned from them and now you can reap the accumulated wisdom of many years of these masters of the gold markets. Got gold? You should!"--John Mauldin, Millennium Wave Investments, author, Bull's Eye Investing"The Golden Rule contains serious analysis and arguments why every saver should hold some of his cash and assets in physical gold and gold-related investments. A fine read!"--Marc Faber, Editor, The Gloom, Boom & Doom ReportIf you don't trust Greenspan or Bernanke, Bush or Obama, Congress or any other part of the regime, to plan your economic future, own some gold. It's a personal declaration of independence."--Llewellyn Rockwell, Chairman, Ludwig von Mises Institute"If there's one thing American investors need to know more about, it is gold. They can either learn about it now—ahead of the curve—or later from the school of hard-knocks. Jim Gibbons thinks now is better and has done a great job gathering some of the industry's most knowledgeable experts together in one highly informative, full-spectrum package."--Charles Goyette, author, New York Times bestseller The Dollar Meltdown

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