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Project Finance in Construction建设的项目融资:评估的结构化指南








2020-4-15 03:02:16
【资料名称】roject Finance in Construction A Structured Guide to Assessment    

  Project Finance in Construction: A Structured Guide to Assessment
  中文书名: 建设的项目融资:评估的结构化指南
  作者: Tony Merna;Yang Chu;Faisal F. Al-Thani;
  “Overall, the short book is simple to read and understand.”  (Construction Management and Economics, 2012)
  "This guide is for project managers, students, and academics involved in structuring and assessing project finance." (Book News Inc, November 2010)
  Anthony Merna is senior partner of Oriel Group Practice, a multidisciplinary research and consultancy practice based in Manchester and a visiting lecturer to Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester. He has been teaching Project Finance for the last 14 years to a number of UK and overseas universities, businesses and government agencies.
  Yang Chu is a graduate of the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester and a research consultant with Oriel Group Practice specialising in the areas of project finance and risk modelling. He is currently carrying out risk management research at Manchester Business School.
  Faisal Al-Thani is Senior Development Manager, Middle East for Maersk Oil based in Doha and a board member of the Marsh International Risk Council.
  List of illustrations.
  List of tables.
  About the Authors.
  1 Introduction.
  1.1 The development of project finance.
  1.2 Financial assessment.
  What is financial assessment?
  Why perform a financial assessment?
  Who is involved in the risk assessment process?
  Where should a financial assessment be performed?
  When should a financial assessment be performed?
  What data are to be used?
  How should assessment outputs be presented?
  1.3 Purpose of this guide.
  1.4 Scope of the guide.
  2 Project finance.
  2.1 Introduction.
  2.2 Definition of project finance.
  2.3 The key characteristics of project finance.
  Special project/purpose vehicle.
  Contractual arrangement.
  Non-/limited recourse.
  Off-balance sheet transaction.
  Robust income stream of the project as the basis for financing.
  2.4 Legal and financial considerations in project finance.
  3 Financial instruments and cash flow modelling.
  3.1 Introduction.
  3.2 Debt finance.
  Senior debt.
  3.3 Mezzanine finance.
  Subordinate debt.
  Bond finance.
  3.4 Equity finance.
  3.5 Sources of debt and equity.
  3.6 Cash flow modelling and project financing.
  4 Risk management.
  4.1 Introduction.
  4.2 Risk.
  4.3 Risk management process.
  Risk identification.
  Risk analysis.
  Risk response.
  4.4 Typical risks in project financing.
  5 The financial assessment process.
  5.1 Introduction.
  5.2 The financial assessment structure.
  SPV assessment.
  Lenders' assessment.
  SPV and lender final assessment.
  6 Case study.
  6.1 Introduction.
  6.2 Independent power project.
  6.3 Supply and offtake contracts.
  Supply contracts.
  Offtake contracts.
  Applications of supply and offtake contracts.
  6.4 Assumptions for initial assessment.
  7 Developing the base case model.
  7.1 Introduction.
  7.2 SPV’s initial assessment.
  7.3 Identify the estimated activities, time, costs and revenues of the project.
  7.4 Development of the base case model.
  7.5 Identify major project risks.
  7.6 Assessment of base case model incorporating risks.
  8 Initial economic assessment by lenders.
  8.1 Introduction.
  8.2 Financial package assessment.
  Finance package (1).
  Finance package (2).
  Finance package (3).
  8.3 Conclusions.
  9 Financial engineering.
  9.1 Introduction.
  9.2 Financial instruments used in financial engineering.
  Forward rates.
  Financial futures.
  Caps, floors, collars, swaptions and compound options.
  Asset-backed securities.
  9.3 Refinancing.
  9.4 Reappraising public–private partnerships.
  9.5 Techniques applied in the reappraisal of PPP concession agreement.
  9.6 Other financial engineering techniques.
  10 Final assessment to determine project commercial viability.
  10.1 Introduction.
  10.2 Detailed risk assessment.
  10.3 Financial engineering.
  Tax holiday.
  Financial collar.
  Extending the concession.
  Increasing debt.
  Grace period.
  Phasing construction and operation.
  Upfront payments.
  Existing concession revenues.
  10.4 Summary.
  11 Financial close.
  11.1 Introduction.
  11.2 Due diligence.
  Legal due diligence.
  Trigger step in rights.
  Model audit and sensitivity analysis.
  Risk valuation.
  Term sheet.
  Inter-creditor agreement.
  Hedge strategy.
  Letters of credit.
  Reserve account.
  Escrow and ring-fenced facilities.
  Economic indicators.
  11.3 Financial close.
  Credit committee approval process.
  Due diligence report.
  Technical closure.
  Financial close.
  Technical commencement.
  Execute interest rate swaps.
  12 Islamic finance and project finance.
  12.1 Introduction.
  12.2 Islamic finance.
  12.3 Shariah.
  Qiyas and Litihad.
  12.4 Core principles of Islamic finance.
  Sharing (profit/loss and risk).
  No unfair gain.
  No speculation.
  No uncertainty.
  No investments that are not in the public interest.
  No hoarding of money.
  Islamic financial institutions.
  Shariah supervisory boards.
  12.5 Project finance.
  The Ijara principle.
  Ijara Mawsufah Fi Al Dhimmah (forward lease).
  Sukuk al Istisna'a.
  A typical SAI deal.
  12.6 Other Islamic finance techniques for projects.
  Musharaka (equity financing).
  Bai salam (forward financing).
  12.7 Risks and liabilities.
  12.8 Summary.
  13 Conclusions and recommendations.
  13.1 Review.
  13.2 Conclusions.
  13.3 Recommendations.

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