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大获全胜的趋势跟踪策略The Little Book of Trading: Trend Following Strategy fo...








2020-4-15 03:12:48
【资料名称】:The Little Book of Trading - Michael W. Covel    

  In this new Little Book, Michael Covel provides an easy-to-understand description of active investing strategies and risk management and offers tips and techniques for investors to use to their advantage.
  This book give readers tools that the great traders, todays Market Wizards, have used to rade for decades in good markets and bad, up and down.Based on author Michael Covel's own experience trading as well as insights gleaned from leading international trading gurus, the book explains why mutual funds are no longer the investment vehicle of choice for people looking to secure their retirement.燯ncertain markets over the past few years have made investors uneasy about even the most safe stocks and companies.Every investment seems to risky these days.But the pros know how to beat the market regardless of what is happening in the economy and stock markets.Here the pros share their strategies in digestible, easy to follow strategies.hese are tools, concepts, psychologies and philosophies that will keep everyone protected and making money even when the next the surprise crisis, the next bubble happens.Each chapter of Covels new book will feature either a top trader or trading firm that has beaten mutual fund performance like a drum.Reading the book will give readers the same money-making knowledge as the most successful investors.
  Michael Covel (San Diego, CA) is an entrepreneur, author, teacher, documentary filmmaker and trader.His first documentary, Broke: The American Dream about the 2007-2009 crash was released in the fall of 2009 and features a number of luminaries including Bill Miller, Mark Mobius, Harry Markowitz and Jim Rogers.e founded the internationally-known website TurtleTrader.om in 1996.Since then, thousands of clients and visitors from more than 70 countries have made the site a rich archive of trading information, data and opinion with over 10 million unique visitors since inception.Through a continuous online presence, Michael has been consulting to individual investors and traders, hedge funds and banks for over 10 years.
  Foreword by Cole Wilcox
  Foreword by Cullen O. Roche
  Chapter One: Stick to Your Knitting
  Night Class
  Teaching Friends
  The First 17 Trades—Losers—or Don't Ask Around
  Friends and Family Plan
  Markets Are Not Efficient
  Expanding Your Horizons
  Knowing What You Don't Know
  White Noise
  The Big Money
  Chapter Two: Someone's Gotta Lose for You to Win
  The Chart Doctor Finds A Mentor
  The Source of Profits
  Keep It Simple and Start Small
  "ut your Affection on Portfolio Selection!"
  Stick Around for the Dance
  Chapter Three: No Guts, No Glory
  Numbers Obsession
  No Prediction
  Sticking With It
  Risk and Volatility
  Chapter Four: In a Land Far, Far Away from Wall Street
  Teach Yourself to Be Great
  Focus on the Show!
  Playing Games
  Build on a Foundation of Confidence in Your System and in Yourself
  Chapter Five: Think Like a Poker Player and Play the Odds
  Irrelevant Information
  Hite Gems
  Perfect Knowledge
  Even Mentors Have Mentors
  Dating Game
  How Much Can You Lose?
  The Backstory
  Chapter Six: Stand Up, Dust Yourself Off, and Keep Going
  It All Starts with the Tedious Grind
  Don't Get Caught Up in Labels
  Trader's Kryptonite
  Conventional Wisdom
  Not the Art, the Science of Trading
  Stay Humble
  Chapter Seven: Throw Away the Fundamentals and Stick to Your Charts
  The Traditional Way
  The Switch
  Drury's Core Principles
  CNBC Interview
  Crisis Times
  Winners Always Adjust
  Chapter Eight: Study Hard and Get an A+
  Starting Out
  Putting a System in Place
  Big Picture Philosophical Points
  Piling On
  Chapter Nine: You Can't Know Everything
  Starting Out
  Trim the Fat
  You Have to Know Your Strategy
  Chapter Ten: Make It Work Across All Markets
  No More Suit and Tie
  What's the Magic Sauce?
  Using a System
  Fundamental Folly
  Stories Don't Make You Money
  Motivation and Drive
  Sheep Need Not Apply
  Chapter Eleven: Stay in the Moment of Right Now
  Take Advice
  Human Nature
  Old School Is Not New School
  Find the Essence
  Chapter Twelve: Sing the Whipsaw Song
  Step Up or Step Down
  Appendix A: Getting Technical
  Appendix B: Fund Performance Data
  Glossary of Key Terms
  Author Disclaimer

大获全胜的趋势跟踪策略The Little Book of Trading: Trend Following Strategy  DF
大获全胜的趋势跟踪策略The Little Book of Trading: Trend Following Strategy  EPUB

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