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当日交易者的生存指南The Day Trader's Survival Guide:How to Be Consistently Pr...








2020-4-15 09:21:14
【资料名称】:How to Day Trade for a Living_ - Andrew AzizHow to Day Trade for a Living A Beginner's Guide to Trading Tools and Tactics[Christopher_A._Farrell]_The_Day_Trader‘s_Survival    

The Day Trader's Survival Guide: How to Be Consistently Profitable in Short-Term Markets

  Read with horror as author Christopher Farrell pulls back the curtain to expose how market makers and specialists manipulate stocks to fleece traders and investors. Then follow as he shows how you can turn the tables to work the markets to your own advantage. "If you approach day trading the same way that you approach investing, you are sure to lose money," Farrell warns in The Day Trader's Survival Guide."One of the early mistakes that novice traders make is that they get caught up in the hype of the online trading revolution. Just because you can get a trade executed in a second with the click of a mouse, does not mean that you are on a level playing field with the rest of Wall Street. Remember, all of Wall Street is out to take your money."
      Rampant market manipulation is the order of the day, and it puts traders and investors at great disadvantage. Quoted markets that are not what they seem, hidden orders, head fakes, and other deceptions are described and illustrated in detail in this guide for traders with at least some experience. It's a kill-or-be-killed market, and Farrell shows how traders can side with the pros, game the spread, profit in illiquid issues, and find arbitrage opportunities. Market makers armed with the profit motive have the means and the opportunity to annihilate starry-eyed new arrivals daily. This book shows exactly how they do it--and what it takes to outmaneuver them. It's a must-read for any trader who has the will to survive. --Scott Harrison

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[hide]【下载】:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TKMywuyxIOnpnboJ9cNvgA?pwd=95bn 提取码:95bn --来自百度网盘超级会员V1的分享链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1B6AxSZDRiMXyZlQ5Y50Sfg?pwd=1rcy 提取码:1rcy --来自百度网盘超级会员V1的分享链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fe-4KRpVjqkQr2yj03jWFw?pwd=2drv 提取码:2drv --来自百度网盘超级会员V1的分享

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GMT+8, 2024-9-20 12:28

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